Darwin Private Hospital recently announced its intention to stop offering maternity services from 6 June 2025. Read more .

Visitors information

[Last updated 20 March 2023]

In order to keep our patients, staff and community safe, we ask that you please follow out COVID-safe measures. If you have any queries, please contact us on 8920 6011.

DPH_Covid_Safety_Poster_0422.PNGPatients, Visitors, Doctors, Contractors and staff

  • Practise good hand hygiene
  • Cough into a tissue or your sleeve
  • Physically distance wherever possible
  • Stay home if you feel unwell or show symptoms (see below for information relating to close contact / covid positive
  • Scan and register with The Territory Check-In QR code on display before entry (optional)

Close Contact:

  • If you are a close contact you cannot enter a high risk facility for 7 days after exiting isolation without an exemption

Positive Covid – exiting isolation:

  • If you are exiting isolation after testing positive, you cannot enter a high risk facility for 7 days after your isolation finishes



Rapid Antigen test screening (RAT)

  • A rapid antigen test may be used as a pre-screening measure in some circumstances including
    • All Cath Lab patients
    • Obstetric patient and partner
    • Patients who are partially vaccinated, unvaccinated or who have an exemption will be tested on admission and on Day 3 and 5
  • Some high risk procedures may require RAT test on admission and on day 4 including
    • Airway procedures, major abdominal or neurosurgical procedures
  • Patients are encouraged to self-test at home on the day of admission and provide photo evidence (photo id, test packet and negative test). If you are unable to purchase a test, you will be tested on admission.

Inpatient Visitor Restrictions:

  • Will be restricted to 2 visitors at a time

Exemptions will be considered by the Nurse Manager.

Obstetric Patients and Partners:

  • Obstetric patients and their partners will be required to undertake a RAT prior to admission where possible. For unplanned admissions a RAT test will be done on arrival to the ward
  • If you are partially vaccinated, unvaccinated or who have an exemption unvaccinated, you will also require a RAT test on days 3 and 5
  • If your partner is unvaccinated, will only require a RAT test on admission
  • All positive Covid patients and those with Covid symptoms will be transferred to Royal Darwin Hospital

Darwin Private Hospital’s preferred visiting hours are

Jacana and Corella Wards: 9am - 1pm and 3pm - 8pm

Jabiru (Maternity Ward): 3pm and 8pm.

The Special Observation Unit: visitors are asked to be respectful of the delicate nature of this unit and requests that visitors restrict their stay to short periods and only a few people at a time.

Your comfort and well-being are paramount and if you should decide you do not wish to have visitors or would prefer not to receive telephone calls, please let one of our staff know so that your wishes can be accommodated.

If you have family or friends who are only able to visit outside these times, please inform one of our nursing staff.

Special arrangements can be made for mums and dads who are supporting a child during an inpatient stay.

The families and visitors of patients at Darwin Private Hospital can enjoy 10% off on the best available rates at Cullen Bay Resort when visiting their loved ones.

Simply book online and enter 'MED10', call staff on (08) 8946 1011 or email reception@cullenbayresorts.com.au.

*not to be used in conjunction with any other offer
*24 hours free cancellation

Property features & room facilities

An automatic teller machine is located on the Ground Floor near the front entrance.

Darwin Private Hospital has a dedicated carpark which is managed by Wilsons Parking Solutions.

The carpark has 2 hours free parking using a ticket pay and display system.

If you require park longer parking than the two hour period you will be required to pay a nominal fee as per the Wilsons signage.

Visitors that require routine longer parking stints (eg family of Maternity patients or relatives of Day Surgery patients) are just required to identify themselves to Hospital Front Reception and a 'temporary' car parking pass will be allocated to them to cover the length of stay in the hospital.

Car Park Infringement Notices

If you happen to receive an infringement notice, please contact Wilson via their website www.pesau.com.au

Payments and appeals can be made via the wesbite.

Parking Enforcement Services
PO BOX 7753 Cloisters Square
1300 306 933
+61 8 9415 2880

Hudsons Cafe is located on the Ground Level at the front of the hospital.

The cafe provides a wide range of snacks, hot and cold meals, as well as Cold drinks and barista made coffees.

Opening hours are Monday to Friday 6.00am to 5:30pm.

Mobile telephones can interfere with medical equipment and we would prefer you keep your mobile telephone use to a minimum.

Bus Service

A bus stop is located at the front entrance of the hospital precinct and is serviced by Darwinbus. Timetables are available online at www.transport.nt.gov.au/public/bus/darwin and by calling 08 8924 7666.

Urban buses contracted to the Department are 96% easy access buses. To arrange for an easy access bus to be on a particular service, arrangements can be made with the Public Transport Division by phoning 8924 7666.

Taxi Service

A dedicated phone to contact the Taxi company is available in the front of the hospital in the foyer.

For further information, contact Blue Taxi Company 13 TAXI (13 82 94).

Darwin Private Hospital provides free Wifi service to all patients and visitors.

Network name: Healthscope - Wifi.

Our Assistance

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